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National Accreditations
National Accreditations
Department of Health (DOH) - Republic of the Philippines
The Department of Health exercises accreditation and regulatory functions through its regulatory body, the Bureau of Health Facilities and Services (BHFS). Operational guidelines are implemented to continuously improve the standards of medical services being provided to patients.
MedWay Healthcare Inc. is accredited by DOH as a Regular Medical Facility for Overseas Workers and Seafarers. The accreditation also covers the following services:
- Secondary Clinical Laboratory
- HIV Accreditation
- Level One X-ray Facility
- Drug Testing Laboratory
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE)
The Department of Labor and Employment is the policy-advisory arm of the executive branch of the Philippine government mandated to formulate policies and implement programs pertaining to labor and employment. It maintains linkages with government and non-government agencies, the academe, international organizations (UNICEF, ILO, IMO, among others) and host countries where Filipino workers are working (Department of Labor and Employment 2009).
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA)
Foremost among its website-stated core functions, the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration is the government agency assigned to:
- accredit foreign principals and employers hiring Filipino workers
- issue licenses to private recruitment agencies and ship manning companies; these licensed agencies refer overseas applicants for pre-employment medical examination only to DOH-accredited medical facilities
Maritime Industry Authority (MARINA)
The Maritime Industry Authority is responsible for issuing the following documents:
Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB) - issued to every seafarer engaged in any capacity on board a Philippine-registered ship 35 Gross Tonnage (GT) and above; also issued to any Filipino seafarer who intends to be engaged in any capacity on board any foreign-flagged ship (Maritime Industry Authority [MARINA] 2009, 1).
Seafarer’s Identification Book (SIB) - issued to every seafarer engaged in any capacity on board a Philippine-registered ship below 35 Gross Tonnage (GT) (MARINA 2010, 1).
Domestic-Certificate of Competency (D-COC), previously referred to as Qualification Documentation Certificate (QDC) - issued to all seafarers performing watchkeeping duties on board all types of ships, except those on board the following:
- warships, naval auxiliaries or other ships owned or operated by a State and engaged only in governmental non-commercial service
- fishing vessels
- pleasure yachts not engaged in commercial trade
- wooden ships of primitive built
One of the documentary requirements for issuance/renewal of D-COC is a valid medical certificate issued by a DOH-accredited clinic/hospital (MARINA 2012, 1-5).
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC)
The Professional Regulation Commission is in charge of issuance of certificates and endorsements to ship officers for the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW).
Upon compliance with the requirements prescribed by the Board of Marine Deck Officers and the Commission, the marine deck officer shall be issued the Certificate of Registration, Certificate of Competency and Endorsement Certificate, Professional Identification Card, and his name shall be entered/enrolled in the Roll of Marine Deck Officers (Professional Regulation Commission [PRC] 2012a, 11-12).
Upon compliance with the requirements prescribed by the Board of Marine Engineer Officers and the Commission, the marine engineer officer shall be issued the Certificate of Registration, Certificate of Competency and Endorsement Certificate, Professional Identification Card, and his name shall be entered/enrolled in the Roll of Marine Engineer Officers (PRC 2012b, 12).
Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA)
As provided in Section 4 of Executive Order No. 242, the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), shall by virtue of its mandate under RA 7796 (otherwise known as the TESDA Act of 1994), issue the Certificates of Competency to ratings forming part of navigational and engineering watches.
As specified by TESDA, one of the documentary requirements in applying for a Certificate of Competency (COC) is the original copy of medical certificate in PEME form with the TESDA-prescribed online certification.
Philippine National Police (PNP)
The Health Services of Philippine National Police officially recognize the service capability of MedWay Healthcare Inc. as a Neuropsychiatric and Drug Testing Center.
As an accredited testing center, Medway Healthcare Inc. partners with the PNP's thrust to conduct a neuropsychiatric examination to evaluate cognitive impairment and functioning among its ranks.
Philippines. Department of Health. January 2, 2003. Administrative Order No. 1 s. 2003, Subject: Operational Guidelines in the Conduct of Pre-Employment Medical Examination of Overseas Workers and Seafarers. Posted February 5, 2003. Accessed August 20, 2012.
Philippines. Department of Labor and Employment. 2009. “About DOLE.” Accessed May 28, 2012.
Philippines. Maritime Industry Authority. 2009. MARINA Circular No. 2009-10, Subject: Revised Rules in the Issuance of Enhanced Seafarer’s Identification and Record Book (SIRB). Accessed November 2, 2012.
Philippines. Maritime Industry Authority. 2010. MARINA Circular No. 2010-02, Subject: Rules in the Issuance of a Seafarer’s Identification Book (SIB) for Seafarers on Board Philippine-Registered Vessels below 35 GT. Accessed November 2, 2012.
Philippines. Maritime Industry Authority. 2012. MARINA Circular No. 2012-04, Subject: Rules in the Issuance of Domestic-Certificate of Competency (D-COC). Accessed November 2, 2012.
Philippines. Philippine Overseas Employment Administration. 2012. “About POEA.” Accessed May 28, 2012.
Philippines. President Joseph Ejercito Estrada. May 12, 2000. Executive Order No. 242: Harmonizing the Institutional Framework in the Administration of the International Convention on the Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978, as Amended. Accessed November 3, 2012.
Philippines. Professional Regulation Commission. 2012a. Board Resolution No. 55–A Series of 2012–Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 8544, The “Philippine Merchant Marine Officers Act of 1998” (Board of Marine Deck Officers). Published July 23, 2012. Accessed November 2, 2012.
Philippines. Professional Regulation Commission. 2012b. Board Resolution No. 48–A Series of 2012–Revised Rules and Regulations Implementing Republic Act No. 8544, The “Philippine Merchant Marine Officers Act of 1998” (Board of Marine Engineer Officers). Published July 23, 2012. Accessed November 2, 2012.
Philippines. Technical Education and Skills Development Authority. 2012. “Steps in Applying for Assessment and Certification – Seafarers Ratings.” Accessed May 28, 2012.
Quality Assurance
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Certification
ISO 9001:2008
One of the technical requirements of the Department of Health in accrediting a medical facility is to have a Quality Standard System that is well documented and implemented.
MedWay Healthcare Inc. is ISO 9001:2008-Certified, having conformed to internationally recognized quality management system as attested in 2010 TUV SUD PSB Philippines, a globally renowned testing and inspection body.
External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS)
External Quality Assessment Scheme (EQAS)
- National Reference Laboratories (NRL)
By virtue of the Department Order 393–E Series of 2000 dated November 14, 2000, which was a subsequent order to the Executive Order 102 known as "Redirecting Functions and Operations of the Department of Health" issued in 1999 by then President Joseph E. Estrada, five institutions were designated as National Reference Laboratories in order to establish an effective public health laboratory network in the Philippines. These were:
East Avenue Medical Center (EAMC)
The National Reference Laboratory for Environmental and Occupational Health, Toxicology and Micronutrient Assay
Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP)
The National Reference Laboratory for Biochemistry
National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI)
The National Reference Laboratory for Hematology including Immunohematology, Immunopathology and Anatomic Pathology (consistent with previously issued D.O. 301-I s. 1999)
Research Institute for Tropical Medicine (RITM)
The National Reference Laboratory for Dengue, Influenza, Tuberculosis and other Mycobacteria, Malaria and other Parasites, Bacterial Enteric Diseases, Measles and other Viral Exanthems, Mycology, Enteroviruses, Antimicrobial Resistance and Emerging Diseases; NRL for Confirmatory Testing of Blood Units
San Lazaro Hospital (SLH)
The National Reference Laboratory for HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis and other Sexually Transmitted Infections
Note: Department Order 393–E Series of 2000 was amended on December 21, 2009 with the issuance of Department Personnel Order No. 2009-5148'which provides that:
- Lung Center of the Philippines shall be the National Reference Laboratory for Anatomic Pathology for Pulmonary Diseases.
- Philippine Heart Center shall be the National Reference Laboratory for Anatomic Pathology for Cardiac Diseases.
- The National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) shall be the National Reference Laboratory for Anatomic Pathology for Renal Diseases and other unassigned Organ System Diseases, and Automated Method for Urinalysis.
Thus far, MedWay Healthcare Inc. has been issued Certificates of Participation by the said institutions for actively participating in the:
- External Quality Assessment Scheme in Hematology conducted by National Kidney and Transplant Institute
- External Quality Assessment Scheme in Clinical Chemistry conducted by Lung Center of the Philippines
- External Quality Assessment Scheme in HIV, HBV and HCV Serology conducted by San Lazaro Hospital/STD/AIDS Cooperative Central Laboratory
National Reference Laboratory for Environmental, Occupational Health, Toxicology and Micronutrient Assay. “About NRL EOHTM.” Accessed August 28, 2012.
Philippines. Department of Health. February 3, 2009. Department Memorandum No. 2009-0086, Subject: Implementation of External Quality Assessment Program as a Regulatory Requirement for Licensing of Clinical Laboratories. Accessed August 28, 2012.
Philippines. Department of Health. December 21, 2009. Department Personnel Order No. 2009-5148, Subject: Amendment to Department Order 393–E s. 2000 dated November 14, 2000 regarding “Designation of National Reference Laboratories and Transfer of Corresponding Equipment, Instruments, Supplies, Specimens, Records from the Bureau of Research and Laboratories to the Designated National Reference Laboratories.” Accessed August 28, 2012.
Global Affiliations
MedWay Healthcare Inc. conducts medical screening, pre-employment medical examination or predeparture tests depending on the country of destination. In countries or flag states where MedWay Healthcare Inc. is authorized to issue medical certificates for employment, compliance with duly set international and national medical guidelines shall apply.
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*Technically not part of Australia Continent but considered as part of Australasia and/or Oceania
Maritime Authorities
Maritime Authorities
Bureau of Maritime Affairs - Republic of Liberia
Danish Maritime Authority - Kingdom of Denmark
Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore - Republic of Singapore
Office of the Maritime Administrator - Republic of the Marshall Islands
Panama Maritime Authority - Republic of Panama
Vanuatu Maritime Services Limited - Republic of Vanuatu